Matt Shannon
Where do you currently live?
Center City
When did you start getting involved with Achilles Philadelphia?
In 2012
How did you find out about Achilles International?
I Googled ways to get involved with charity organizations through running
When did running become a part of your life?
I ran cross country in high school
What do you gain from running?
I run to de-stress and remove myself from the hustle and bustle of life. Running with no phone or music helps me take a break and think.
What is your favorite distance to run?
What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
18:06 5k
Who/what is your biggest inspiration?
My parents, showing me how to live a good life and for supporting me in all my endeavors.
What quality best describes your personality?
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your spare time?
Run, bike, swim
Do you have a favorite quote?
“The only person I have to be better than is the person I was yesterday”
What strength do you bring to the Achilles Philly chapter? (don’t be modest!!)
Being able to run with the majority of athletes at their respective paces and distances.
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts?
The genuine appreciation that the athletes have for everyone involved, from guides to fellow athletes to supporters.
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Achilles Philadelphia what would it be?
A genuine willingness to help our athletes achieve their goals.