Name: Kara Quick
Where do you currently live?
West Chester, PA
How long have you been involved with Philly Achilles?
Since January 2014
How did you find out about Philly Achilles?
I had seen Achilles in the Philly Rock ‘N’ Roll half marathon in Sept 2013, guiding a visually impaired runner (whom I now know as Kinzey Lynch). I was so impressed by his ability and by the guides’ support as they encouraged him through the last quarter-mile with a cramped calf muscle. Two months later, after the New York marathon, I read a poignant article about a blind runner named Amelia, written by the runner who guided her during that race. I shared the story on Facebook, with a comment that it was something I would love to be a part of. When I read the post the following day, it occurred to me that I should do something about becoming involved, and I started researching nearby chapters. I was living in NJ at the time, and they didn’t have an active local chapter, so I sent for information from the Philadelphia chapter in December, and started running with the group in January.
When did running become a part of your life?
I began running in the Spring of 2009. I did my first road race that fall (the Philly Distance Run half marathon), and was hooked.
What do you gain from running?
The list is long but the standouts are confidence, clarity, resilience, humility, discipline, fitness…and just plain happiness in the enjoyment of the outdoors.
What is your favorite distance to run?
Half marathon, though I can see that being replaced by the marathon…
What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
Training for and completing my first Boston Marathon (2015).
Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
The core of my inspiration comes from my long-standing participation in the MS150 City to Shore bike event. I know several people with MS, at various stages of the disease, and have met many more through this yearly event. Not a day goes by, training or otherwise, where I do not consciously appreciate my physical health and abilities. I call on this appreciation often when training or racing is difficult.
What quality best describes your personality?
Friendly but a bit reserved until you know me well.
What do you do for a hobby or fun in your free time?
Aside from running? Hiking, biking, or any other outdoor activity. I love going fishing. And eating ice cream.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“If, while sitting in the darkness, you changed your mind and decided you wanted to sit in the light, would your first few steps be in the darkness or the light?” -TUT
It reminds me that stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks is worth it, even if it might seem daunting at the time.
What strength do you bring to the Philly Achilles chapter?
Encouraging selflessness, as a reminder that our training and race events are for the main purpose of providing the athletes with the best level of support that we can, while balancing that with separate personal goals.
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts?
What got me there first was the prospect of helping others experience the joy of a sport that I love so much. What keeps me coming back is the friendships I’ve developed with both the athletes and volunteers. I love seeing their successes.
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Philadelphia Achilles what would it be?
Philly Achilles provides a fantastic support network for the athletes and volunteers alike, and makes me appreciate running from a very different perspective. We all inspire one another in different ways.