Name: Megan Murphy
Where do you currently live? Parkside, West Philadelphia
How long have you been involved with Philly Achilles? April of 2015… only a short time, but I’ve been aware of the community for a while!
How did you find out about Philly Achilles? I’m an EMT and am highly interested in health and safety for urban athletes- for myself and for others, in both racing and training! I’d been looking for a way to use my training to serve others. My future husband and “faster half,” David Bernstein, took up my friends’ Rodney, John, Meghan and Hal’s invitation to run with Achilles a bit before I did; once DB started, I couldn’t stay away!
When did running become a part of your life? I’ve always been game to play and sweat, but I started training and road racing in late 2007/early 2008.
What do you gain from running? The satisfaction of a job well done (which feels suspiciously like pleasantly heavy legs, a perpetually hungry belly and a quiet but happy mind).
What is your favorite distance to run? 10 miles!
What is your most significant accomplishment to date? It’s not my fastest and fanciest time in a race to date, but this is far and away “my proudest PR”: completing the Miami Half Marathon 2015 in 1:59:33 three and a half months after breaking my leg and not being able to run at all! Learning to safely recover from injury and stay sane, strong and smiling from the sidelines has challenged me in ways I did not expect. What happened up to, on and since that day in Miami has made me a better runner and a better person.
Who or what is your biggest inspiration? My Bernese mountain dog, Dexter “Big Essie.” He is always smiling, he’s always got love and if you’re asking him, everything is always awesome.
What quality best describes your personality? Watchfulness
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your free time? I read, run with shelter dogs through The Monster Milers, meditate, cook vegan food, do deck workouts and listen to rap music!
Do you have a favorite quote? “I spoke to a man down at the tracks, and I asked him how he don’t go mad / He said, ‘look here, junior- don’t you be so happy, and for heaven’s sake, don’t you be so sad'” – Television, “Marquee Moon”
What strength do you bring to the Philly Achilles chapter? It’s all in the hugs and high-fives.
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts? The community, and the welcome challenge of helping others stay safe as they lace up, swing out and put the work in!
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Philadelphia Achilles what would it be? It’s about the athletes: as volunteer guides we’re not coaching or training so much as we are holding a safe space (environmentally and socially) for our athletes to push themselves and let their best efforts shine.