Stacy Rosenthal
Where do you currently live?
Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
How long have you been involved with Achilles Philadelphia?
Since the summer of 2015
How did you find out about Achilles International?
Running buddy and husband, Philly Achilles athlete Mark McCowan
When did running become a part of your life?
Although I dabbled in running in college and shortly after, it was not until I literally ran into a childhood friend on May 5, 2013 (ironically, I would later find out that Cinco de Mayo is Mark’s birthday AND I joined the winter series through which I met Mark because this friend also joined…it was meant to be!!!) when I was just beginning my first long run that it became a part of my life. Now I do not know what I would do without it!
What do you gain from running?
There is the obvious, that it helps keep me in shape. Although lately, I convince myself that I can eat whatever I want since I am running so much, and that is not the case!!! Next, running has become a big part of my social life. I have reconnected with old friends and made many new ones. Lastly, I have become a better person through running, especially through my involvement with Philly Achilles! The feeling that I experience crossing the finish line with one of my disabled peers is exhilarating.
What is your favorite distance to run?
10K, but trying to run a marathon in every state
What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
Completing a full marathon
Who/what is your biggest inspiration?
My mom and Mark
What quality best describes your personality?
Reserved, yet giving
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your spare time?
Play & watch sports, read, travel, take photos
Do you have a favorite quote?
“Whatever you can do or feel you can do, begin it! Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it!”
~Johann von Goethe
What strength do you bring to the Achilles Philly chapter?
Wow! I get so much from my Philly Achilles family that I hope they can say the same about me!
From helping to plan some of our chapter events to my willingness to guide any athlete, I contribute wherever I see a need!
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts?
The athletes – They are so inspiring! Each and every one of them defines what it means to overcome.
Whether they were born with their illness or their disability occurred later in life, they learned not to let it stop them from living.
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about
Achilles Philadelphia what would it be?
Come on out!
To the athletes – we welcome everyone regardless of current fitness level and goals. Please know that there will ALWAYS be a volunteer to workout with you! Never feel like you are inconveniencing us or holding us back, as we are there to help you out because we want to be there, not because someone made us be there!
To the volunteers – this is a great way for you to give back to the community and have fun doing it!
Whether you want to walk, run, ride, or lift weights, there is an athlete waiting for you! Do not think you are not good enough or you would not know what to do! We will help you learn what you need to know!