Athlete/Volunteer Bios
Name: Andrew Wrigley, volunteer
Where do you currently live? Philadelphia
When did you first get involved with Achilles Philadelphia? July 2016
How did you find out about Achilles International? From my brother, Hal Wrigley, who was a volunteer
When did running become a part of your life? Ive been running for ten years but became a lot more serious and dedicated the last three years
What do you gain from running? Peace, clearness, accomplishment, friends and community, fitness, health meditation and beauty
What is your favorite distance to run? 8-12miles
Who/what is your biggest inspiration? Meg, Matt, Hal, Cedric, Rick, Melissa, Pat and some others too. Basically the dedicated athletes and runners from Achillies and FBR
What quality best describes your personality? Encouraging, intense, jubilant, high spirited
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your spare time? Art, run, cook, make things, hang out, sleep
Do you have a favorite quote?
What strength do you bring to the Achilles Philly chapter?(don’t be modest!!) I am there consistently and usually running the longest distance every time
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts? The awesome people make for a good time
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Achilles Philadelphia what would it be? You’ll get more out of it than you put in, it’s a positive, inspiring experience volunteering for Achilles.