Name: Meghan Sarbanis
Where do you currently live?
Philadelphia, PA
How long have you been involved with Achilles Philadelphia?
May, 2014
How did you find out about Achilles International?
I heard about it while working out with November Project Philadelphia with some new friends (Rodney Russen & Trish Houck) who were active volunteers.
Eternally grateful as it’s turned out to be quite life changing!
When did running become a part of your life?
I always LOVED running even as a little girl.
What do you gain from running?
Honestly, I love the endorphins!
I love how good it makes me feel physically & mentally.
Running helps to ground me too & bring peace to my world!
Also like that it’s a sport where you can compete against others,
but you can also just compete against yourself.
Most importantly, eternally grateful for all of the special & in many cases, lifelong friendships it has led to.
What is your favorite distance to run?
Seriously, if it wasn’t for that whole job & need for money I would run all day!
I’d have to say whatever distance I’m running at the moment as they each present their own unique challenges.
Since I began running with Achilles though,
I’ve guided everything from a beer mile in a blizzard to an ultra in the rain and pretty much every distance & weather condition imaginable in between!
Countless memorable runs!
Yet to accomplish this distance so far, but hoping to in the years to come!
Would be happy to run it as a guide instead if someone wants to come along with me?!?!
What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
I represented Team USA in 2003, 2009 & 2010 in the sport of rowing.
Finished 4th at the World Rowing championships in 03 & 09.
Raced as a lightweight which wouldn’t have been possible if running was not part of my cross training.
On the day I retired from competing at the Elite level (of rowing), a referee walked up to me to shake my hand and say, “It’s been a pleasure to watch you race throughout your racing career. I’ll never forget you as you’re the rower who always had a smile on her face.”
I was rarely the lightest nor always the fastest, but was proud to walk away from the sport with my head held high and the respect of teammates, competitors, coaches & referees as a person of integrity, grit & passion.
Try to carry that along with my running as well since that’s what matters most to me.
Was the 1st rower ever to be inducted into the Villanova Athletic Hall of Fame in Jan 2017 which was pretty cool too!
Who/what is your biggest inspiration?
Just watch this…
What quality best describes your personality?
Positive attitude & open mind!
I try to find the bright side of any given situation (sometimes to a fault)
as well as not take myself too seriously!
I also try my best to remain judgment free & consider perspectives other than my own.
You can’t control things such as the weather, conditions, traffic etc, but you can control your attitude. Whether I’m guiding, pacing, racing or just running for fun with friends, I always do my best to make it fun since we all have enough stress in our everyday life.
I find myself most happy when I’m able to make someone else smile or happy!
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your spare time?
I LOVE any athletic activity that gets me out in nature!
Running, rowing, cycling, yoga & jumping in puddles or fountains are some of my favorites!
Super curious as well!
Love nerding out learning about almost an subject matter!
During my time in Philly some of my favorite exhibits have included the impressionists at PMA, Body Worlds & Jurassic Park at Franklin Institute, the Mudder Museuem, Independence Hall, the Tall ships & the NFL draft experience!
Love listening to almost any genre of music too.
Trivial Pursuit is my favorite board game and a veggie & egg scramble is my favorite food to cook.
I like trying new things so have a quirk of letting the bartender get creative in deciding what I have to drink.
I also turn into a big green ogre after the sun goes down.
(just checking if you’re still reading )
Between work & other volunteer commitments such as secretary for my boat club & chairing an annual blood drive, don’t find myself having an awful lot of spare time,
I have an uncanny knack (whether a talent or curse is still open for debate???)
for turning the most mundane activities in life into the most unexpected adventures!?!?
Conversely, I’ve always craved solitude & quiet time as well.
Balance is important to me.
I cherish my solo workouts as much as my runs with Achilles
My favorite part of the day is the quiet of the morning sipping my coffee before all the craziness of the day ensues.
Do you have a favorite quote?
That’s like asking if I have only one favorite U2 song, but one favorite is:
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”
~Pablo Picasso
What strength do you bring to the Achilles Philly chapter?
Having been an athlete my entire life, I’ve made A LOT of mistakes & screwed up countless times!!!
But you take those humbling lessons & you grow from them.
I have no shame in sharing and/or admitting to mistakes I’ve made for the benefit of others so they are not needlessly repeated.
My former athletic career taught me a great deal about strength training, body mechanics, injury prevention, cross training & nutrition so I try to share whatever knowledge I have on those subjects whenever the opportunity arises to help all of our runners & guides to become as holistic as possible.
(IMHO solely running is a recipe for injury)
I’m also an occupational therapist by profession so I have a great deal of experience working with a number of different disabilities & special needs.
Several people in the group have noted that I have very strong nurturing qualities.
It’s true that I do derive a great deal of joy out of helping and caring for others.
Others have noted flexibility & adaptability since I’m open to walking/running any speed with whomever & also pretty versatile when things change on the fly.
Though I think the majority of the gang would probably say: humor???
I’m kind of a walking contradiction since despite being very focused & dedicated to fitness, health & wellness as well as being the best friend or family member I can be…
I’m conversely a bit of a flake?!?!
One of our athletes, Matt MacAvoy was recently teasing me that the way to best describe me is to recognize that while EVERYONE has those occasional “You’ll never believe what happened to me today” days…
that’s pretty much me almost EVERY day in my life!
It’s all good though because it keeps me grounded as well as results in funny &
entertaining stories to share quite regularly!
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts?
This is not an exaggeration in the least, attending Achilles workouts are my 3 favorite hours of the week. I was blessed with a very healthy body so to be able to use my athletic talents for somebody else’s benefit is a priceless reward that can’t be topped.
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Achilles Philadelphia what would it be?
No regrets!
It’s indescribably rewarding.
I’ve met so many amazing quality people & had unique experiences that I never would have had elsewise!
It’s indirectly introduced me to other new passions such as trail running from some of the guides as well as reconnected me with some old passions such as adaptive rowing with some of the athletes.
I’ve no doubt grown a lot over the past 3 year & know Achilles has helped mold me into a better woman & version of myself than I was before I joined.