Amy Gillespie
Where do you currently live?
Aldan, PA (Delaware County)
When did you get involved with Achilles Philadelphia?
How did you find out about Achilles International?
I was searching for local running groups and read about it and then saw a link through the Fishtown Beer Runners newsletter
When did running become a part of your life?
In 2009 when a friend asked for someone to run the Philly Marathon with her.
What do you gain from running?
Balance in my life, and with Achilles, a sense of community
What is your favorite distance to run?
4-10 miles
What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
Finishing the Steamtown Marathon upright and within my goal time
Who/what is your biggest inspiration?
What quality best describes your personality?
I try to see the good in everything/everyone. This may also be my most annoying quality.
What do you do for fun or a hobby in your spare time?
Read and knit
Do you have a favorite quote?
It’s not running related, but, “Poetry and hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things that get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you.” -A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
What strength do you bring to the Achilles Philly chapter? (don’t be modest!!)
I really like being a part of Achilles, whether it’s running or walking with an athlete or standing on sidelines cheering. And I’m happy to gush to new volunteers about how awesome the group is.
What motivates you to keep coming back to the chapter workouts?
The sense of being a part of a group. Also, both the athletes and other volunteers push me to be a better runner.
If you were speaking to a prospective volunteer or athlete and could only convey one thing about Achilles Philadelphia what would it be?
That it’s an incredibly open and welcoming group. No matter how fast or slow you are, everyone is happy to have you there. Everyone’s got the same goal…making running accessible to anyone who wants to run.