I play all sorts of mind games with myself if I am riding alone. If I plan to go 10 miles and I’ve done 2 miles, I do the math in my head: 20% complete.
I’d love it if we all had a status bar above our heads. It would display progress through a workout. When out riding on West River Drive I could see where everyone is. If I saw someone at 98% complete, I would totally give them a high five or at least a nod.
What made me think of this? I went out with my Achilles team on Saturday morning and did 17.9 miles. That 0.1 is killing me! If I’d only gone a tiny bit further I’d have reached 18. A status bar would have told me, “keep going, you’ll fill the bar completely!”
Sunday brought a different workout. We had a visitor for the weekend and decided to bring him to our favorite restaurant in Philly. Tria Café has great food, great staff and great service. They specialize in cheese paired with wine and/or beer. I decided to justify those calories with a workout. I took my manual wheelchair and wheeled myself all the way. Turns out that it is 2.6 miles from my door to theirs. I did an additional half mile on the way home.
I did the additional half mile after our lunch to qualify as a 5k. If they let me stop half way through each one for a nice lunch, I have it made!
So this weekend I did two of the four Dopey races: a half marathon (plus) and a 5k.