I had another long ride this past weekend and there comes a point when you need to keep yourself amused. My brain has music playing in it almost all the time. Sometimes the music is appropriate. Sometimes it is not.
For some reason, this long ride had a theme song of “Help me, Rhonda!” by the Beach Boys. Until you spend an hour or more with this playing in your head, you may be unaware of what an awful song it is.
So this guy (let’s just call him Brian) is broken hearted. He and Whatshername were going to marry and live happily ever after but this guy came between them. Now, Brian spotted Rhonda out and about (a party? a tag sale? where was Rhonda?) and she looked fine. So Brian invites Rhonda to be his rebound person. There is no suggestion that Brian likes Rhonda or thinks that Rhonda might be a fun cribbage partner.
Just…get her out of my heart.
glurgh…someone please make this stop playing in my head.
here is a cute picture of my hamster as an apology.